Monday, April 14, 2008


Sutra I.17
"Vitarka vicara ananda asmitarupa anugamat samprajnatah."
(Analysis, Synthesis, Bliss, and Pure Being are four types of samadhi.)

From Light on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by BKS Iyengar

Having recently reviewed some information about brain wave research, the
similarities with Sutra I. 17 (see sidebar) revealed themselves. Beta waves, the fastest "fluctuations of the mind" vibrate at 14-100 hertz and are of the waking state during which we spend much of our time analyzing our lives.

Alpha waves vibrate at 8-13.9 hertz and are considered the meditative state during which the mind relaxes and integrates or synthesizes that which the waking mind deposits into it. This is the state where autosuggestion is most powerful.

Theta waves vibrate at 4-7.9 hertz, correspond to the dreamless sleep state where we experience the bliss of deep rest and detach from all of our surface identities. This state of absorption, or samadhi is rarely attained without losing consciousness but can be accessed with determined meditation practice.

The Delta state vibrates at 0-3.9 hertz and corresponds to the ground of BEing. Masters of mind claim that each level corresponds with access to more subtle and more expansive states of being including access to intelligence unrestricted by time or space.

At my personal state of development, I enjoy the practice of "depositing" positive suggestions during the dreamy state of alpha which comes during savasana, restorative yoga and sitting practice. Since the subconscious mind always acts on what we believe and accept as true, I appreciate that many of my own thoughts and beliefs can be changed with awareness and discernment. I recently practiced deep relaxation and kind thoughts and feelings toward others while having my dental exam and tooth filled. It certainly made my experience much more calm and pleasant and it seemed to me that the dentist and assistant became less flustered and more present too! I'm looking forward to more practice during the cleaning that is scheduled next week!
