Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Theory into Practice

Theory into Practice   


Yoga is based on a set of theories.  Faith and belief systems don’t require and often discourage testing and questioning.  As a result, they are limited by these restrictions.  Theories, by definition, are to be tested.  Our bodies, mind and breath are our laboratories in which we test the theories of Yoga.


Yoga proposes some grand theories.  For Example:


Theory:   Yoga links the jivatman (limited, divisible self) with the Atman (unlimited, indivisible Self)


Can we experience a state of being an Unlimited Self and what does that mean to us in the 21st century?   In fairly recent times the world view of physics has changed from Newtonian Theory (action/reaction; body in motion stays in motion, etc) to Quantum Theory (everything is fundamentally connected at the subatomic level).  In the former cause of action or change was the result of physical forces acting on each other.  In the latter change has been proven to result from something a subtle as observation.  


Change is no longer viewed as occurring from forces outside of ourselves.  Deepak Chopra has famously stated, “your cells are eves dropping on every thought you think”.  This underscores the importance of our thoughts on physical health and opens up infinite possibilities for affecting change on the material level according to how we clear and use our minds


But this is still limited to the finite;  matter, thought, feelings, affecting the finite.  Yogi’s determined that one cannot know an infinite Selfusing the finite tools of senses, mind and body.  They determined that we must transcend the finite outer senses and go within to develop the faculty that allows us to connect to the unlimited, indivisible Self.


This faculty is known as intuition.  Knowing what we need to know, regarding anything, when we need to know it .  It is most available when we are relaxed and peaceful, but can break through in times of need or danger as well.


Intuition is not based on reasoning or analysis but often precedes these as a flash of insight that must then be “proven scientifically”.   Few of us have the background to do that but the innate faculty of intuition is available when we clear the obstacles of worry, stress, and busy clutter from the mind. 


Einstein’s brilliance was due to his ability to intuit great theories and then prove them mathematically.   His theory of relativity was first intuited by contemplating what itwould be like to ride on a beam of light at light speed.  He “felt” that as one approached the speed of light time would slow down and eventually stop and that space would collapse!   He then set out to find mathematical proof with his famous equation E=mc2


We can know what ever we set our peaceful focused minds upon,  is the theory of Yoga.  We become that which we contemplate.   The mysteries of nature and our unity with unlimited awareness, consciousness, and all of life can be revealed when we put our minds on the Unlimited Self, Atman.


Next quarter’s blog:  Developing Intuition

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Becoming Unlimited

Becoming Unlimited

A current ad campaign for a  digital carrier has an actor affirming,   "I have the right to be unlimited!"   In this case, a tiny device that fits in your pocket grants access to a world of unlimited communication.

Yoga is a practice that grants access to the world of unlimited awareness by using a tool as simple as watching the breath.  How does that work?

·      By watching the breath we break the connection of the senses to the outer sources of stimulation and intrusion
·      Watching the breath brings the scattered thoughts under control and brings focus to the mind
·     The body relaxes, the heart slows down, breath rate slows, mental activity lessens.  Awareness of  inner life increases.
·       Watching the mind think,  the identification has shifted to the sou or SEERl.  The mind is not the soul but rather is a limited aspect of the soul.   Therefore, the soul can perceive the mind.
·      You realize you are a unit of awareness, free from attachment, unlimited in consciousness 

 The Practice doesn't create anything but it removes limiting concepts of ego and ignorance so that we find our awareness extending to include greater areas of Reality.   It opens us to new possibilities and ideas that bring solutions to problems that we may not have ever thought possible before.    Einstein famously said that, " a problem cannot be solved from the same level of awareness from which it was created."    When solutions to daily or global problems are sought from the same level of worry, anxiety, fear or greed that caused the problem, the solution is short lived.    Yoga wisdom says instead to hold the known factors of the problem before the mind's eye and relax.   Don't effort in thinking it through, rather, relax and "look".  The truth will reveal itself as the SEER opens to new possibilities.   This is a process of pure creativity and insight.   Expanded insight taken into new behavior evolves our actions as individuals and societies. 

 One of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras in Book 4 implies that we really do not have to know very much, but we definitely have to practice what we do know to realize this unlimited state.   Meditate, breathe, relax.      Stress less, Be more…unlimited.