Let it come to you
On one of our recent beautiful autumn days, we were walking on the coastal trail and I recognized a man coming our way as a local access channel spiritual teacher. I discovered his program while channel surfing one Thursday evening and spotting a recognizable lineage of Yoga Gurus posted on the wall of his program’s set. The rest of the set is embellished with blinking traffic lights and traffic cones with the words “mind control” in reflective tape. The shear tackiness of it got my attention and endeared me to this person who so obviously values the message over the image. And the message is good!
Everything begins in consciousness. Control the wavering mind and you will perceive the Truth behind phenomena. As we spoke to Roger on the coastal trail and commented on the beauty of the day, his response was, “Yes it is beautiful, but there’s nothing out there for me. I’ve learned to go inside for what I need and then let it come to me. Its so simple and yet people make it so hard.”
This is one of the most joyful truths I know. I no longer doubt this truth, that what we hold in consciousness is what we manifest in the physical world. It is always a delight to have the heart’s desires, the support one needs, the “coincidental” meeting, appear at just the right time and place to fulfill a specific need. And it is just as true that when our outer world is chaotic or fear-filled, individually or collectively, we need look no further than into our own mind state to instigate a change. To steady the wavering mind is to hold it on the highest thought and then allow that thought to infuse our presence, like water permeating the soil rather than running off of a concrete surface. In this way a reservoir of inner strength, peace, joy and love builds within that we can draw on, not only for our own nourishment but also, to water the seeds of this consciousness in those around us.
Aum, Peace, Shanti,Lynne